Monday, 26 May 2014

This Changes Everything: Honey on Pizza

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This Changes Everything: Honey on Pizza
Photo credit: Jill Futter
Savory and sweet were meant to be together: Chocolate and pretzels.Peanut butter and jelly. And now, honey and pizza. After all, cheese and honey complement one another on a cheese plate—why wouldn’t they on pizza?
Emily, a new pizzeria in Brooklyn, has found success with two pies drizzled liberally with wildflower honey. “The Colony” (a red pizza laced with mozzarella, pepperoni, pickled chili, and honey) and “The Emily” (a white pie topped with mozzarella, pistachios, a truffle-laced cheese called sottocenere, and honey) are respectively the first and third-most popular of the restaurant’s nearly-20-pizza menu, which co-owner Emily Hyland attributes to the sweet ingredient.
Hyland encourages experimenting with the combo, though she suggests carefully considering a pizza’s other ingredients before lobbing a bunch of honey atop them.
"I don’t think honey is necessarily going to go with everything," she said. For instance, she "wouldn’t pair it with things that are also very sweet, like fig paste, because the honey would be overkill." But don’t be afraid to add honey to a pie topped with "salty meats" or "anything spicy," because the contrast is so winning. Drizzle the honey after the pizza is cooked, otherwise the dough may get soggy.


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